Person Who Had Significant Influence on Me

Is there a person who had significant influence on me? This essay prompt could be an inspiration to write a great college essay. Read these sample of college admission essays and college scholarship essays about. someone who had a significant influence in your life.

Last updated on February 12, 2025 by College Financial Aid Advice.

Someone Who had Significant Influence on Me

University of Florida

University of Florida

College essay written by Rubiyat from Florida.

As I nervously sat in a dark corner of the emergency room awaiting the doctor’s decision, I heard my heart pounding uncontrollably. Fear began to take over my originally optimistic disposition, and I became despondent. The thought of losing my grandma was like a dreadful nightmare. Couldn’t the doctors find some ingenious way of helping my grandma recover from her subtle heart attacks? Just then, Dr. Dodd, the chief surgeon, trotted to the bench where I sat. He put his tender hands on my shoulders, and told me to stay strong during this critical situation. He told me that he planned to execute the most crucial actions necessary to save my grandma. As the surgeon’s words reverberated through my ears, my hope for grandma’s sound recovery elevated.

Afterwards, I returned home because Dr. Dodd and the other doctors decided to run further diagnostics. I thought hard about our conversation. His kind words not only made me feel better, but also made me realize the value of compassion. I understood that true compassion is not simply to care about others, but to put our feet in someone else’s shoes and make others’ sorrows our own. That is why I have decided to strive for this characteristic of compassion for myself. I knew that this mindset was the key to becoming a better human being.

As the weeks progressed, I was continually impressed by Dr. Dodd’s proficiency. He explained my grandma’s current condition, and thoroughly elucidated the causes of such massive heart attacks. He conveyed all the complex medical information in such a way that I could easily grasp the most byzantine details. This information motivated me to study and research heart attacks even further. After countless hours of research, I learned some stunning information. This made me feel even more terrible about the great deal of suffering my grandma was going through, but I was confident that Dr. Dodd’s extraordinary skills would help cure my ailing grandma. Simultaneously, I began to develop a growing curiosity for medicine.

Everything seemed to be moving in a positive direction regarding my grandma’s condition. One afternoon, while I was visiting with my grandma as I did every Sunday at that time, she started to feel very short of breath. Next thing I knew, there were doctors rushing to her bedside, lights were flashing, and buzzers were going off. Everyone in the room seemed to be nervous and flustered, except Dr. Dodd. When I saw that, I felt a little calmer. I realized later that by him staying calm under pressure, he was able to take full control of the situation, and was able to save my grandma’s life.

Ever since my interaction with Dr. Dodd occurred, I have taken rigorous science and math courses such as AP Calculus AB, Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, AP Physics B, and AP Statistics in high school to help prepare me to become a physician. Also after observing Dr. Dodd’s valuable qualities, I have decided not only to strive for the characteristics of compassion by viewing things from other’s perspectives, but also to use great skill to complete any task successfully.

I’m happy to say that my grandma is home now and perfectly healthy. Dr. Dodd has changed me profoundly. His compassion, skill, and calm demeanor have laid a map of the path I want to follow with my life. I will use these lessons when I’m a physician, and hopefully inspire others the way that I have been inspired.

Framing My Future

Person Who Had Significant Influence on Me Essay

Sample college essay by Alexander from Maryland

Person with Greatest Influence on My Life - I did some soul searching and I felt my Dad has help to mold me and frame my future and the greatest influence on my life. My Dad has been there every step of the way for me. When you think of influence and faming your future you should search out to someone with great leadership skills, can relate to life, integrity, reputation, old school, teaches you about culture and current news events and discipline. My dad fights for the rights of himself, family and people. I am academically athletically, well rounded, gifted student who excels at Springbrook High School. My plan is to pursue my degree in Computer Information Systems; then I will pursue my education while becoming a United States Marine Corps Officer. I pray for my dad to see me in the future with greater goals and achievements he set for himself that I can reflect and demonstrate the same. It’s the man within a man.

I want to go to a college that demonstrates the foundation that my dad demonstrates as well as myself over the years and more years to come. I believe college can take me to the next level and continue helping me obtain my goals. My dream is still to continue being involved in the community, currently I have over 505 community service hours. I have and I will in the future continue my involvement in extracurricular activities such as football, track lacrosse, martial arts, music, piano and drawing. I am still an active member of the NAACP and GapBuster’s Inc. Leaders-In-Training program, Alpha Leadership Development and World Academic Sports Team. I play both sides of the field in Varsity Football as a Team Captain, since 9th grade, running back and outside linebacker. I won two NAACP ACT-SO awards, Bronze and Silver in poetry. I would like to write a book of poems one day. The reason why I want to go to college is because in my eyes the Bowie State University is one of the tops. Second I have a close friend, Malcolm Clyburn who attends Morehouse and he demonstrates integrity and I see how Morehouse has impacted his life. Last reason just like my dad has influenced me and I have influenced some people in my lifetime I want to continue this trend and be the man that can have an impact other lives for the future.

Dreams really do come true when you set your expectations “high”. I can say that my future will be very bright for me! I can truly see myself as a 4 year full time athletic scholar, who will graduate with a degree, and who will be an example, role model for any future college. My dream framing my future!

My Mom Influenced My Life

Person Who Had Significant Influence on Me

A person who has influenced me – College Essay by Sarah of New Jersey

Family is an extraordinarily important aspect of my life. My mother, above everyone else in my life, has had a significant influence on me. My mom has said that if the whole world turns their back on you, your family will always be there for you. She has always been there for me. She is an absolutely amazing human being and a great role model. Everyday I see how she handles having four children, manages a household and a career. Through her example, I have learned to make good decisions and be very responsible.

My mother inspires me everyday. She has taught me to not only respect other people's opinions, but to formulate my own opinions as well. She showed me that I can do anything I put my mind to and has told me to always stand up for myself. I started to play soccer when I was in second grade and I came to love it. Years ago when I was playing soccer, I was not getting much playing time during games. I was not one of the strongest players but I played well. I was disappointed about the games and talked to my mom about it. She said rather than her talking to the coach I should remind the coach that I was not getting enough playing time. During the next game I stood by the coach and asked to be put in. It worked. I got more playing time and the coach noticed how well I played. He complimented me on my game and from that point on I didn't have to ask for more playing time. I am glad that she encouraged me to stand up for myself. From this experience, I learned that in life you have to fight for what you want.

My mom has shown me that we should not only take from the community, but also give back. I volunteer with the Girl Scouts and at a local church as much as possible. With my church youth group I have visited a Veteran's home to talk with the residents and keep them company. We also have done a rake and run where we rake the leaves of elderly or disabled people. I was voted onto a core team by my peers. On the core team I help the advisers lead the group at meetings and volunteer services.

Because of my mom's encouragement, I work extremely hard at school and everything I do. She has inspired me to push myself to the limit and beyond. My mom has taught me to live my life to its fullest. Life is a journey and my mom has taught me many things along the way. College is the next step in my journey and I am going to take everything I have learned along with me. My mom has not only influenced my life, but is my absolute hero. The lessons she has taught me will be instilled in me forever.

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